
Showing posts from October, 2021

Uk Boiler Repair

Boiler repair for central heating systems A defective boiler can cause major complications such as delayed installation, gas leaks, and increased power bills. It's important to maintain your boiler regularly (every two years) to make sure everything is running smoothly. Broken boilers should be repaired by a licensed and insured engineer. There are a number of reasons why you might need to repair your boilers : leaking pipes, clogged vents, and faulty valves or motors. You should never take on the job yourself (like clearing clogged vents), this could endanger the life of the people living in the building and cause significant damage to your boiler system. Boiler problems common boiler issues Boiler problems can vary, but here is a list of boiler faults that you may come across: Iron-based anode rod clogging. The anode rod in your boiler is used to prevent corrosion in the tank. However, if the water is corrosive, it will cause the rod to clog with rust and other debris. L

The Gas Safe Register

Why you should always choose a Gas Safe Registered engineer The Gas Safe Register is a public register of all gas engineers in the UK who are qualified to carry out work on domestic and commercial properties. This includes installation, maintenance, servicing, inspection and testing of gas appliances. The register was established by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 to provide consumers with confidence that they are employing safe registered technicians when they use natural gas for heating or cooking. The HSE oversees this process which is done through periodic registration checks, at least once every five years for individual engineers. The inspections also include checking qualifications held by each engineer against their entry on the register. If any changes have occurred since their last registration check then these must be recorded on their Gas Safe Register record. Each year they publish a report that is pub